Jennifer Duarte

Jennifer Duarte


Jennifer Duarte enjoys spending time with her husband, family, and friends. She also enjoys reading, movies, football, and exercising.

Education and Experience

Jennifer Duarte received a Bachelors in Elementary Education with an area of concentration in Spanish. After completing her B.S., she began her masters work for an additional endorsement in ESL. She has a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction: Reading. Jennifer taught three years in Kansas as a middle school teacher. During those three years she taught career explorations, keyboarding, computer applications, careers and technology, 8th grade science, social studies, and math and reading power hour. After those three years, she joined the Kansas City Career Academy where she worked for a year. Jennifer moved to Denver the following year and began teaching middle school ELL students. For seven years, Jennifer worked in Adams School District 50 as both an ELL teacher and coach. She is also a SIOP trainer and has created and taught SIOP to new teachers for four years. She moved to Colorado Springs and taught in a middle school in the southern part of the city. She currently teaches at a middle school in Academy District 20. Her current position is both as an ELL teacher and coach.

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Michelle Klepper

Michelle Klepper


Michelle Klepper is married and has one pet. She has a little girl born this past December. Michelle enjoys reading, traveling, and outdoor activities.

Education and Experience

Michelle Klepper has a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction with Technology. Her bachelors is in Middle Grades Education with emphasis in Mathematics and English. Michelle has taught middle school math for 3 years, elementary computer, and co-taught a  Social Studies and English ELL class.

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